Practicing spiritual disciplines helps us become closer to God, enjoy God, join with God in their work in the world, and contend for God’s promises in our world.
How we’re formed:
The point of spiritual formation is not simply to feel better or become better humans, but rather to join Christ in dying to ourselves so that others might live.
We believe it is in community groups that true formation is realized. Your participation in your community group makes you a member of the Redemption family, where we are committed to being formed in the Way of Christ collectively. Want to join a group?Sign up here!
Find resources from our Sunday Explorations here!
Training in The Formation Method is available to everyone in our community and is required of Community Group leaders. We’re committed to this facilitation method for our discipleship because it engages all group members in not only making sense of the challenges we face in our faith and lives, but also in creating new life with each other.
If you haven’t been trained yet, or if you want a refresher, find out about the next training day here.
We have regular rhythms for connecting that include community groups, Sunday gatherings, and caring for one another and our neighbors. These gatherings are a part of our formation in Christ. Check out the calendar for our next gathering.
For adults participating in children’s formation:
We are a family that includes children, and we’re all committed to parenting them together so they learn to follow Jesus and show the world goodness, kindness, and love.
Here you can find additional materials to explore as you continue to raise kids who love Jesus and show that love to others.